Asbestos, Mold & Environmental Cleanup Professionals

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Vermiculite Removal and Re-Insulation Services

Hire professionals like EETI to assess the situation and remove the issue.

Vermiculite is an insulation material that is found in attics, walls, etc. It commonly looks similar to the photo above. We have done several hundred homes and businesses for the safe removal of it.


This material is commonly disturbed during remodels when ceilings are penetrated (i.e. changing a light fixture, installing a fan, demolishing a ceiling), when additional attic insulation is added on top of it, during wall demo or electrical work, etc.


Any disturbance of vermiculite insulation could potentially cause an asbestos fiber release into your home. This asbestos fiber release could cause potential health hazards to you and your family. We strongly recommend you avoid disturbing it and hire a professional asbestos contractor like Economic Enviro Techs Inc. and Insulation to assess the situation.

Introducing Services with our newly acquired Rainbow International Franchise

  • Water Mitigation and Rapid Structural Drying
  • Mold Remediation Services
  • "Puff Back" Clean-Up

We serve the state of Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire. We are committed to your needs! Contact us today for a FREE quote on services.

What is a Puff Back?

A puff back is an explosion or back fire of an oil fired heating system that disperses soot and debris throughout the residence. The cleaning process is very specialized and should only be administered by a professional Restoration Service Company.

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